Giovane Fotografia Italiana (Young Italian Photography) is a Municipality of Reggio Emilia project promoting the discovery and showcase of emerging photography talents in Italy.
Currently in its eleventh edition, the format includes a free-of-charge Open Call for artists under 35 years of age, who are invited to submit photographic series in line with the concept of each year. At the heart of the project is the idea of approaching photography as artistic research.
An international commission selects the works that, receiving a financial reward, are produced and shown in a collective exhibition in the European Photography program in Reggio Emilia.
Since 2018, the Young Italian Photography Award is connected to a cash reward presented to the best artist out of seven finalists.
Since 2012, the works of 85 photographers who took part to Young Italian Photography have been collected. Young Italian Photography is curated by Daniele De Luigi, with support by Ilaria Campioli since 2018.

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