How Did We End Up Here?
This series aims to investigate imagination as a process that takes place from the contemplation of essential natural elements. By creating dreamscapes, the images want us to reflect on the importance of the imaginative processes that often end up in meditative mind spaces: while navigating through thoughts and imaginary spaces, we could find ourselves into unexpected surreal places.
Lorenza Demata
(Napoli, IT, 1988)
Photographer and visual artist, Lorenza is based between Italy and London. After graduating from the BA in International Cooperation and Conflict Management, she graduated from the Three Years Course in Photography at Fondazione Studio Marangoni in Florence, and from the MA in Photography (2017) at London College of Communication, where she is currently attending a PhD program. Her practice is mainly constituted by documentary and conceptual photography and it is research based and informed. Her works are declined on the analysis of relevant social themes, often connected to identity issues, such as transnationalism, decolonisation, globalisation and collective memory. One of the main concerns of her work is the mutual influence between social relations and photographic or non-photographic images. Her projects have been displayed in several exhibitions in London, in the UK, in Italy and in the United States.
Eyes on Tomorrow
Giovane Fotografia Italiana nel Mondo
> Valletta > Horizons: Giulia Agostini, Lorenza Demata, Francesca Pili