Urtümliches Bild
The series consists in an attempt to process the matter of nocturnal dreams through artificial intelligence. An algorithm translates text inputs into visual outputs in the most accurate and realistic way possible, thus entering into a relationship with profoundly illogical content, ending up “failing” the task for which it was designed. The images that emerge are imperfect, surreal, devoid of figurative and perspective rules, as they are the result of the combination of pre-existing photographs chosen by the software, in a process over which we have no control. The interaction between human and technological unconsciousness thus produces a new iconography, a new visual model. Following the experience of abstract art, the artist identifies essential forms between tensions, downfalls and overcomings, giving birth to a post-human symbolic universe.

Silvia Bigi
(Ravenna, IT, 1985)
She graduated from the DAMS in Bologna. Through the use of different languages – photography, installation, sculpture, sound, video, drawing – her practice explores the relationship between individual and collective memories. Her works, today part of public and private collections, have been awarded and selected for national and international venues, including the exhibition Engaged, Active, Aware: Women’s Perspective Now, winner of the Lucie Award – Best Exhibition 2018. Her work has been published in magazines such as Artribune, Der Greif, IO Donna, Atpdiary, Yet Magazine, Artslife, World Photo Organisation, British Journal of Photography. She currently lives and works in Milan.
Eyes on Tomorrow
Giovane Fotografia Italiana nel Mondo
OPENING: May 19th at 6 pm / Talk with the artists Silvia Bigi and Claudia Petraroli. Moderator: Tatjana Schäfer
> Munich > Secrets: Silvia Bigi, Alice Caracciolo, Claudia Petraroli