The seven finalists have been chosen from a jury composed by:

Julia Bunnemann

Julia Bunnemann is a researcher, writer and curator at Photoworks, responsible for developing Photoworks Festival (formerly Brighton Photo Biennial) and managing the Photoworks’ curatorial programme.
Having obtained her MA in History of Art from the Courtauld Institute of Art, Julia taught the international curatorial course at the HS Hannover, Germany. She previously worked as the Assistant Curator of the Triennial of Photography Hamburg and at Deichtorhallen, House of Photography, one of Germany’s largest exhibition spaces for photography.

Foto © Isabella Hager

Ilaria Campioli

Ilaria Campioli

Ilaria Campioli is the curator of the photographic section of Palazzo dei Musei in Reggio Emilia. She has worked for the Louvre Museum, for the Collezione Maramotti and for the Fotografia Europea festival for which she has curated several projects, some of them are devoted to photobooks. She has collaborated with Joan Fontcuberta, Erik Kessels and Sarah Moon following in particular the publishing production. Since 2018 she has been curator of the Giovane Fotografia Italiana Award. She has curated various thematic exhibitions dedicated to the work of Luigi Ghirri.

Krzysztof Candrowicz

Co-founder and member of the Foundation of Visual Education and Lodz Fotofestiwal in Poland. In 2013 he became artistic director of the Triennial of Photography in Hamburg in Germany and since 2018 works as a curator for CICLO Biennial in Porto, Portugal. Krzysztof works internationally as a guest curator and visiting lecturer in numerous organizations, museums, schools, festivals and as a jury member of various projects and art prizes, including the Rencontres d’Arles Discovery Award, Deutsche Börse Photography Prize, Hasselblad Award, Robert Capa Award and many others.

Daniele De Luigi

Ritratto di Daniele De Luigi

Daniele De Luigi is a curator focused on contemporary art and photography at Fondazione Modena Arti Visive, where he curated solo exhibitions (including Luigi Ghirri, Candice Breitz, Jordi Colomer, Willie Doherty, Quayola) and group shows. He is curator of the Young Italian Photography – Luigi Ghirri Award project since 2012. He teaches Installation and writing practices at Fondazione Studio Marangoni in Florence and at LABA in Brescia.

Lisanne van Happen

Lisanne van Happen supports upcoming talent within her work. She is a freelance curator, fundraiser and producer specialized in the field of documentary photography with a particular interest in social issues. She strives to connect people and create collaborations that are greater than the sum of its parts. Currently Lisanne works for art academy St. Joost and is talent development lead at FOTODOK where she develops programs with which she supports upcoming photographers on a financial, conceptual and production level.

Foto © Koos Breukel