# Abruxaus was born in instagram as ironic complaint that refers to the annual report in Sardinia about the arson cases during the summer time. The title is curse in Sardinian language that means: “You can burn alive”, directed towards arsonists. The fire issues is just one of the many problems affecting the Island. For common people Sardina only exists to spend the best holidays in relax during the summer time. The project wants to detect the real effects that the policy of indifference has on the environment, in a historical period in which we are all paying the consequences. Consumer society creates a worn-out environment.
To concentrate the entire economic resources of a given place just on tourism is an irresponsible ploy to shade not only the long-standing discomforts, but also its real socio-economic potential.
Project presented in Giovane Fotografia Italiana #08 | RECONSTRUCTION
© Francesca Pili, #Abruxaus, 2020

(Benevento, 1986)
Francesca Pili studied Painting at the Academy of Fine Art in Bologna and she earned a Master degree in photojournalism in Naples. She has participated in various group exhibitions including: “What’s going on to the ladies parlour”, Magazzini Fotografici (NA); BìFoto fest, festival internazionale della fotografia in Sardegna (OR); Eneganart contest “Indifferenza”(FI). In 2019 #ABRUXAUS was published by the french daily newspaper Libération. Her current research interest and her art work are inspired by environmental issues and dynamics.