Italian Cultural Institute

OPENING: May 19th at 6 pm / Talk with the artists Silvia Bigi and Claudia Petraroli. Moderator: Tatjana Schäfer

Eyes on Tomorrow

Young Italian Photography in the World


Secrets are not always hidden truths that require investigation and research to be brought to light. There are secrets that are in front of our eyes and that remain hidden only because of distraction and indifference. Some secrets are fake, as they are the result of logic aimed at the appropriation of our personality, while others live within us and are so authentic that they are unknown even to ourselves. The visual explorations of Silvia Bigi, Alice Caracciolo and Claudia Petraroli lead us beyond appearances.

Silvia Bigi


Silvia Bigi "Urtümliches Bild"

The series consists in an attempt to process the matter of nocturnal dreams through artificial intelligence. An algorithm translates text inputs into visual outputs in the most accurate and realistic way possible, thus entering into a relationship with profoundly illogical content, ending up “failing” the task for which it was designed. The images that emerge are imperfect, surreal, devoid of figurative and perspective rules, as they are the result of the combination of pre-existing photographs chosen by the software, in a process over which we have no control. The interaction between human and technological unconsciousness thus produces a new iconography, a new visual model. Following the experience of abstract art, the artist identifies essential forms between tensions, downfalls and overcomings, giving birth to a post-human symbolic universe.

Alice Caracciolo


Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell is the term used to refer to the discriminatory policy of the United States of America between 1994 and 2011, on military sexual orientation.
The work was born as a result of my finding of a notebook from 1951 belonging to an Italian corporal student; hidden among the pages is a love letter addressed to another man.
The work is a reflection on the presence and condition of homosexuality in the army, where virility has always been imposed as an impregnable principle and where, despite this, the feeling of love continues to exist, to survive, to blossom.

Claudia Petraroli


Les Bijoux Indiscrets is a gallery of objects that hold bodies. Subduing eyelids and locking smiles, wetting epidermis and extending the penis, the bijoux change faces into golden masks, lifting breasts and replenishing buttocks. Cosmetic orthopedics moves digital post production from pixels to complexion, while ensuring eternal youthness and peace of mind and promising long-term satisfaction with chemical formulas, synthetic colored shells, and lovely words.

Eyes on Tomorrow

Young Italian Photography in the World

OPENING: May 19th at 6 pm / Talk with the artists Silvia Bigi and Claudia Petraroli. Moderator: Tatjana Schäfer